此篇是在華碩FX505DU已解鎖高級選單的上的基礎,另外解鎖AMD CBS外部選單,進而調整DDR4頻率到3000
其實我會想修改CBS選單,很大原因也是因為網友Tomonok,如這篇文章的38樓所述,雖然我解鎖的一些選單,就是你用amibcp開啟bios,然後可以看到的那些額外的Advanced或是Chipset的選單結構,但是這些選項都沒屁用,對一般使用者來說,能小許的增加一些效能,就是他們要的,要增加效能不外乎是超頻cpu和記憶體,但是筆電平台不像桌機主板那樣,各家廠商超頻大戰,想當然各種超頻選單都很豐富,也有研發出類似Intel XMP的 A-XMP的記憶體傻瓜超頻選項;但是在筆記本有體積、散熱、功耗、電池續航性的限制,廠商基本上不會有cpu超頻選項讓你調,筆電平台的CBS選單也沒有像是PBO之類的選項讓你超頻CPU,但是調整記憶體頻率是可行的,我在CBS菜單中有看到相關的DDR4選項,故我很想解開它。
網友Tomonok目前可將記憶體超至ddr4 3000,效能有些小提升,但是延遲還真的不是很好,我在mobile01有看到一篇關於R7-3750H效能的文章,在原來DDR4 2400的延遲真的是笑能,超至3000有些許提升,可惜相較Intel平台,還是差一點。
Get a modification here.
Hey can you unlock /mod bios for asus tuf gaming fxf505dt. Please
回覆刪除Unlock bios for fx506ui?
回覆刪除Below link is i unlocked few days ago ,what do you think??
Unlock bios for Fx505dt?
回覆刪除As i said in the article ,if you wanna get a modification for asus FX505 and FX705 series ,you should to provide me a bios dump that backup via an hardware spi programmer.
刪除Hello, I found dump bios for asus fx505dt) can u unlock it?) thank you! https://www.bios-mods.com/forum/Thread-Request-Unlock-Bios-for-Asus-TUF-FX505DT
回覆刪除That bios dump is made with afuwin and it also isn't from your machine ,the important point is that bios dump can't re-flash again.
刪除I repeat again ,please backup bios via hardware spi programmer if you wanna get a mod for fx505 and fx705 series. It need to read/write data from chip with a spi programmer.
Hey how to send you bios dump?
刪除and i dont know what is spi proagrammar do i need to buy something and attach it or is it software based?
Hi. I have TUf Fx505DU . I have a Question . Can I flash Your Bios (the one you unlocked) in to my laptop my self. Thank You
回覆刪除How do you flash it??
刪除I'm not sure but I think AFUWIN. If it's not going to work with AFUWIN how should I flash it ? This laptop has awful bios.
刪除It need a spi programmer to read/write chip ,if you wanna mod a bios in amd platform.
刪除My currently experience to successful unlocked menu on amd platform have fx505du,fx505dd,fx505dt and fa706ia.
Here is a screenshots that user read data from chip with a spi programmer.(model: fx505dt)
Unlocked cbs menu(this is most difficult part during modify bios)
Hello. I have an asus fx505du al070t laptop. I made a dump with the ch341a programmer. Please, unlock the BIOS for me. Where can I send it to you? My email: scrolllock18@gmail.com
刪除Hello. I have an asus fx505du al070t laptop. I made a dump with the ch341a programmer. Please, unlock the BIOS for me. Where can I send it to you? My email: scrolllock18@gmail.com
回覆刪除Hello! THX for you experience! I have Asus Tuf A15 FX506QM-HN052 , but fan speed locked. I need max fan speed , how i can unlocked ? THX u very match !
回覆刪除Bios can't adjust fan speed , it control by EC.
刪除I don't know how to unlock it ,maybe you could contact ASUS service center.
Please, unlock my bios
Contact me with genius239@gmail.com