Bios menu unlocked for ASUS TUF Gaming FX505DU

Following is  some screenshots of modify before and after menu unlocked for ASUS TUF Gaming FX505DU.

Below is original tabs before modify.

After re-flash modified bios , we can see several new tabs appear in bios interface, it contains most useful features on new Advanced tab .

There is no better way to re-flash mod bios on amd platform of ASUS laptop series , so SPI programer is the only method to backup and re-writed bios.
On this sample , user Tomonok also writed bios with an programer(ch341).

Forum source link ,  start with post #33

I can help out modify with the same model of laptop if anyone can provides the dump bios by SPI programer.


Updated 20201030

I recently have  new ideas to let AMD CBS menu appear in bios screen , a thought into my mind few days ago.
But i don't have this machine to do any tests ,i'm hope that if someone has the same laptop and also have SPI programmer ,please backup local bios and send to me to do modify testing

New progress updated at 20201107

I seem successfully unlocked AMD CBS menu , please visit some capture screens below.


These feedback still from user Tomonok , He help me out to verify my modifications at his machine ,then finally got the my goal ,but i thought this mod not perfect yet ,i still need to fix it steadily.

He also overclocking his memory to ddr4 3000 ,and it seems running stably.

Get a modification here.





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  1. Hi.I See that you are trying hardly for modifying this Bios.I have this laptop too and i know this laptop's bios that is awful . I personally don't know how to mod a bios but i want to ask you if you can modify my bios. because Asus doesn't care about this laptop too much i'll be glad if you can modify my bios .Thanks A Lot!!!

    1. Do you have an hardware spi programmer?
      It need programmer to read/write bios chip in the laptop of AMD platform.

  2. I have fx505dt and bought the spi flasher a while ago :) i have kingston hyperx 2666 with excellent timings (may even overclock) but the stupid bios! Mine is the same as the DU version just 3750H and gtx1650.
    I dont have a spare bios chip though i will find one and order online.
    Good with basic soldering and have solder paste so maybe can resolder new chip with heatgun 180 C instead of hard soldering one by one?

    1. Yes ,you can do desolder or solder chip by a heat gun ,and solder paste is necessary.

    2. Ok i decided to dump the bios for you now :) fx505dt 3750h/gtx1650
      Do you have an email, simple?
      I have good ram and 2400 cl15 isnt the best it can easily go 3200.

  3. Hi 239'S SIMPLE ,
    can you unlock my hidden menus on FA706IU
    I forward my Extracted Bios and the bios stock
    Thank for help

  4. Hello!Please tell me the model of the bios chip.

    1. Sorry~i don't know ,as this not my machine ,i only do bios mod. It should a 16mb size of chip.

  5. Thanks!Can you tell me this modbios will go to FX505DD?I want to try it but I don't know if it will work?

    1. You are all wet ,i didn't provide the mod for fx505du. Users provides me bios that dump via programmer then i would try edit.

  6. Thanks!I'll try to download the dump.

  7. Hi.I looked at the bios chip size 128mb

  8. I'm sorry I looked at the chip model wrong

    1. chip model name should is MX25U12835F.
      After you dump it ,send the dump bios to my mail :

  9. Thanks!Now I have a problem with the 1.8 v adapter.I ordered it, but it will take time.

  10. Hello there!In AMD CBS, CPU undervolting is possible?

    1. I don't know as i don't have this machine to test anything ,you should to ask that FX505DU owner ,not me.

      You're a user of amd laptop for a long time ,as your understand, do you think there any options in bios can do undervolt ? please answer me ,thanks.

  11. 作者已經移除這則留言。

  12. Hi ,
    can you send me the Biosmod for my FA706IU , i want test the AMD CBS
    big THX!!!!!

  13. Hello. I have an asus fx505du al070t laptop. I made a dump with the ch341a programmer. Please, unlock the BIOS for me. Where can I send it to you? My email:

  14. Hello is there any unlocked bios for ASUS TUF FX505DV laptop ? If so, please give me some help in finding it and uploading :)

    1. Sorry ,no such files can let you download. If you want to request a mod for fx505du ,you have to purchase an hardware programmer then read/write data from bios chip. This device is necessary for bios modification in a AMD platform.

  15. hello, could you help me unlock my asus fx505dy bios file? i've try to modify with amibcp but no luck, guess i doing with the wrong way. and here i attached the link of my original untouched bios dump. thanks for your help.
